このScienceSoft Discountsについて
This discount kit is available for ScienceSoft employees only. To get the discount you need to show company’s official pass in case of personal appeal or to say the keyword in case of phone call. One can find keywords in the description page of each organization that provides discounts for ScienceSoft.
The app is a demo of Xamarin.Forms cross platform mobile development brought by ScienceSoft. As exemplified with discounts apps (listing and plotting on a map discounts locations for ScienceSoft employees) one can see common UI structure and controls utilized across platforms. The app is built for 3 targets (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) and reuses 85% of C# code (~2000 SLOC out of 2400).
Though tricky and non-trivial UI scenarios and platform specific capabilities may require creating platform specific code we can testify the current state of affairs with Xamarin.Forms:
- The platform abstracts much of a hard work;
- The platform gives rich customization capabilities to implement UI cases and avoid using custom "renders";
- The platform perfectly fits data driven and enterprise application development saving effort and time.