Bug fixes
お使いのデバイスとの互換性の問題やバグにより、Sharpflow の最新バージョンに問題がある場合、アプリ開発者が問題を修正する前に、古いバージョンをダウンロードすることが実用的な解決策となる場合があります。APKPure は、さまざまなデバイスや Android システムと互換性のある Sharpflow のすべての古いバージョンを提供します。Android 用の Sharpflow の以前のバージョンをダウンロードしてください。APKPure からのすべてのダウンロードはウイルスフリーであり、必要なアプリのバージョン履歴を迅速かつ安全に取得する方法を提供します。
Bug fixes
This is our best release yet!
We've completely redesigned Sharpflow and added tons of extra functions. Here are some key new features:
- Revamped user interface and user experience.
- Add-ons and integrations with Google Drive & Docs, DropBox, OneDrive, Office 365, A.I. , Slack, LinkedIn, Facebook, GatewayAPI and Moloni billing software
- Dashboard for managers to track activity in real-time.
And lots more, because we like you! Find how easy it can be to organise your work with Sharpflow 2.0.
Hi there! Our team are working hard to ensure the Sharpflow app is performing flawlessly so you can focus on your work and optimise your time.
Recently added to provide you with better control over your projects and teams:
- Added one-on-one or in-group real time conversations
- A collaborator can now manage projects
- Collaborators now can also view other Human Resources
- Better display of unchecked tasks
- Other fixes and more performance improvements
Hi there! Our team are working hard to ensure the Sharpflow app is performing flawlessly so you can focus on your work and optimise your time.
Recently added to provide you with better control over your projects and teams:
- Added one-on-one or in-group real time conversations
- Collaborators now can also view other Human Resources
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Fixed scrolling compatibility issues with newer web views
Hi there! Our team are working hard to ensure the Sharpflow app is performing flawlessly so you can focus on your work and optimise your time.
Now with even more control over your projects
Recently added:
- Improved usability for clients
- Improved Overview
- You can now specify budgeted costs for each project member
- Check the cost of your projects or human resources at any time
- Recorded hours chart along project's duration
- Monthly cost chart
- More bug fixes
more news coming soon..
Hi there!
- Thank you! We appreciate all your positive reviews and feedback. Our team are working hard to ensure the Sharpflow app is performing flawlessly so you can focus on your work and optimise your time.
Check app change log for full details.
Do you think we're doing something great? Is there something we've overlooked? Please post your feedback at https://www.sharpflow.pt/default.aspx?Page=7785
Hi there!
- Thank you! We appreciate all your positive reviews and feedback. Our team are working hard to ensure the Sharpflow app is performing flawlessly so you can focus on your work and optimise your time.
Check app change log for full details.
Do you think we're doing something great? Is there something we've overlooked? Please post your feedback at https://www.sharpflow.pt/default.aspx?Page=7785
Hi there!
We've been working on exciting new things.
This update introduces features like the Agenda for your projects and teams and seamlessly integrates with the device calendar, you can now export ticket details to PDF. Fixes bugs and the entire experience with the app should be a lot smoother.
Check the app change log for full details.
Do you think we're doing something great? Is there something we've overlooked? Please post your feedback at https://www.sharpflow.pt/default.aspx?Page=7785
Hi there!
We've been working on exciting new things.
This update introduces features like the Agenda for your projects and teams and seamlessly integrates with the device calendar, you can now export ticket details to PDF. Fixes bugs and the entire experience with the app should be a lot smoother.
Check the app change log for full details.
Do you think we're doing something great? Is there something we've overlooked? Please post your feedback at https://www.sharpflow.pt/default.aspx?Page=7785
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Better handling of notifications
- Even more data usage friendly
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