このSignature Makerについて
Signature Maker provides you easy way to create your own Signature in couple of seconds.
You can Sign your Photo, Image or selfie and share on Social media or Store in SD-Card.
create your Own Signature very smoothly i.e. (Digital Sign, E Signature, Signature Creator, Sign Maker) Use at your document i.e. Doc, PDF, Images, and other files.
Instruction & Features:
★ Create your own Signature
- Clear (Erase Signature or Re-Draw Signature)
- Save your Signature with Name (in your Phone or SD card)
- Select your Favorite Color (Color picker is also included which provides many colors)
- Choose Input Size ( Brush size would be Very small, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large)
★ Open Signature
- view Signature Gallery
- Delete (Signature file)
- Share (share Signature with any Social Apps installed in your Phone)
★ Easy to Use
★ Small Size App
★ Free App
★ More Apps
NOTE:This Signature Maker app is NOT meant for any kind of legal use (You may NOT use them to sign your cheques, Cash, Important Documents, equity loan, Bank Papers, loan Papers etc). We will not be responsible for any damage.
Your Feedback is very valuable to us, Please let us know so we can try to work more perfectly.
最新バージョン 1.0.1 の更新情報
- Bugs Fixed