このSongoLyrics: Hindi song lyricsについて
SongoLyrics android app provides lyrics of latest Bollywood Hindi movie songs, Hindi singles and lyrics of Punjabi songs too.
~ Search lyrics
* Search and browse lyrics of latest Bollywood Hindi movie songs, Punjabi songs and from albums.
~ Official Audio & Video
* You can toggle official Youtube song video and read the lyrics simultaneously along with Hindi songs.
~ Save Lyrics
* Save your favourite lyrics which can be browsed later without internet connection.
~ 3 Way Search
* Songs can be searched in 3 ways: By song name, by lyrics & by movie name.
~ Share Lyrics
* Lyrics can be shared.
~ Smooth User Interface
* Material design with native ads for better user experience.
~ Send Correction
* If you see that the lyrics are wrong then you can send us the correct lyrics and help the community grow.
~ Low Data Usage
* This app uses very fewer data to search through lyrics which makes the app data efficient.
~ Punjabi Songs Lyrics
* Browse through the correct lyrics of Punjabi songs.
SongoLyrics aims to bring the lyrics of latest Hindi Bollywood songs under one roof. We are a growing community of passionate songs lover. Our database is maintained by users all over the world which continues to grow every day.
*This app contains songs from year 2015 onwards. Songs released before 2015 is not available.
* For all queries related to business such as collaboration, services, promotion etc. please contact at support@songolyrics.in
* For queries related to development, bugs or application support contact developer at kripeshadwani@gmail.com