このSounding Europeについて
SOUNDING EUROPE - Europe as a soundscape!
Have you ever heard about Europe? For sure in school, in the latest news and you probably also know the European Anthem. But what we are talking about: what does Europe sound like for you?
SOUNDING EUROPE would like to encourage YOU and other young people (doesn’t matter whether you are officially young or simply feel young) to capture Europe in an acoustic way. No matter if nature sounds, every day noise, animal squeaking or spoken thoughts. Recorded with your mobile phone, with a field recorder or with professional equipment – everything will do. Everything that makes Europe audible and expresses one facet of Europe, that is important to you. Every contribution counts down from 787, which is the number we need for our project. By then, every single square of our map of Europe will be filled with sounds of Europe. Sounds that express your thoughts, ideas, threats or wishes for Europe.
So what happens, when the 787 contributions will be complete? Then our computer will create a sound collage – and this collage will be exhibited in locations outside of the WWW. Will it be a sculpture of sounds? Will it be a carpet of noise? Or something completely different? That’s up to you – all your ideas and visions are welcome!
Through this project we do not just expect to get acoustic insights into the living environment of young Europeans. We also want to discover the fascinating diversity as well as the common grounds of personal topics that connect people throughout Europe. What is it that other people let us listen to about their (and our) Europe? Are there regional differences? Are there recurring collective topics?
We are looking forward to share thoughts, associations and impressions about everybody’s personal approach to Europe! And besides, audio catching is fun!
SOUNDING EUROPE is an initiative from „Panthersie für Europa“, funded by the government of Styria, in cooperation with Europahaus Graz, Labor Waldfrisch, supported by Checkit.