このSwing Adventure-Zig Zag Tripについて
"Swing Adventure-Zig Zag Trip" is a game in which you must pilot a spaceship.
The endless runner game Swing Adventure zig zag Trip is straightforward and captivating. Control the tiny ship as it sails through a
stunning, unusual environment.
Gain access to fantastic spaceships by collecting coins. The zen-like background music helped me unwind. Really, really easy. To get
a good score, simply keep your character balanced while you avoid obstacles and consume as many circles as you can. Avoid falling or
you'll lose all of your scores and progress. Spend as many points as you possibly can. Swing Adventure zig zag Trip is a game in which
you have to control spaceship, the map is always generated randomly, which adds to the replay value.We want you to rate our indie project
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