このTAC BOAHについて
TAC BOAH-マレーシアのタミル年次会議の設立。
TAC BOAH - The formation of Tamil Annual Conference, Malaysia.
The Inaugural Session of the Tamil Annual Conference (TAC) was held on 2nd December 1976 at the Tamil Methodist Church, Kuala Lumpur.
The opening devotion was conducted by Rev. David Tharmakan. Following the devotion, Mr. D.R. Daniel, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board of the Tamil Provisional Annual Conference (TPAC) of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and Singapore, in the absence of the President of TPAC Rev. Eddie Thoraisingam, who had left for the U.S.A.for his studies, and the Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia and Singapore Bishop T.R. Doraisamy, who had left for Sarawak for an Ordination Service, declared open the First Session of the Tamil Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia.
Mr. D.R. Daniel then called upon Rev. V.A. Chelliah to lead in prayer and asked the members of the Conference to elect a Chairman, “protempore” (for the time being) from among the Travelling Elders by ballot. Rev. V. John Kovilpillai was elected by secret ballot. Rev. Noel Arputharaj was unanimously elected as the Conference Secretary.