このTelanagana Sand Booking Onlineについて
Key Futures
1.About Sand Booking
2.Order Tracking
4.In alignment with the e-Governance initiatives of Telangana State, Department of Mines and Geology had embarked on an ambitious mission of streamlining the entire process of Sand delivery management system through tractor registrations, online booking of sand and its delivery, real time monitoring and tracking of sand booking, decision making through dashboards, grievance redressal etc.
5.MIV is an automated process without any manual intervention and enables the citizen to get the sand in the lowest possible cost and can track the delivery of the Sand till his/her doorstep and receives alerts at each stage of the sand delivery. MIV provide employment to the tractor owners in the district and controls unauthorized excavation and transportation of sand in the district. This also provides efficiency in the Sand delivery, transparency in the transportation of the sand, responsiveness and accountability of the Sand Management Society, and sustainability of the solution in the longer run
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Source : https://bit.ly/31RwohP
Source :https://bit.ly/3cat4Ai