このTHE RHYTHM OF केनोपनिषद्について
About Instavedanta :
Instavedanta - A self-learning tool for releasing the wisdom of the Upanishads and the Vedantic teachings of the Vedantic sages, launched by the Instavedanta family. We are soon going to bring to your mobile phone as many Upanishads as possible from Sanskrit to English rhymes. After detailed and blissful research, each Sanskrit shloka has been converted into English rhyme by the author Sushrut Badhe and app developed by Shyam Vaidya.
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Author Bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sushrut_Badhe
About Kena Upanishad:
The Upanishads are a body of gnostic texts in Sanskrit language- the ancient language of India. The Kena Upanishad is the oldest of the verse Upanishads composed in the last few centuries before the Christian era (BCE). In the year 1805, Raja Rammohan roy made the first English translation of the Kena Upanishad. Some scholars consider the Upanishadictexts to number to well over 200 while some state the numbers to be around 170.
As per the great seer of India, Sri Aurobindo, whose commentary of the Kena Upanishad has been my main source of reference, “The Upanishads are Vedanta, a book of knowledge in a higher degree even than the Vedas”.
The central philosophy of the Upanishads is the gnosis of the Supreme Truth, The Brahmanand each text proposes its own path in its own unique style for the attainment of the ultimate gnosis in man. Every Upanishad is different in its approach but the destination is the same i.e the complete realization of the supreme truth. The three Vedantic Schools (Dvaita, Advaitaand Vishistadvaita) of thought have all originated from the Upanishads.
An attempt has been made to transcreate the Sanskrit texts into simple and rhythmic English verses. The original Sanskrit text has been provided along with an English transliteration for those who are unable to grasp the Devanagari Script and the sole aim of this attempt is to take the reader closer to the original philosophy of the Kena Upanishad as well as closer to the Sanskrit language.