このTic-tac-toe Tacticsについて
Tic-tac-toe Tactics is a turn based logical game for two players.
The gameboard is divided into 9 parts, each of which is a "small" 3x3 grid.
Each player's move determines the respective "small" grid in which the next move should be made. Thus, if one player put his mark in the lower left cell of any "small" grid, then the next move his opponent must make in the lower left "small" grid; similarly, if the move is made in the center of any "small" grid, the next move can only be in the central "small" grid, etc. If some of the "small" grids have no free cells, then the move can be made anywhere in the game board.
To win the game, opponents need to have three 3x3 grid wins in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.