このTik Tok Toeについて
Play the classic Tik Tok Toe game (also called Noughts and Crosses) for free online with one or two players.
Tik Tok Toe Game Features:
★ Play with AI or Friends
★ Play with AI with different difficulty like Easy, Medium, Hard or Impossible Mode
★ Select different themes and enjoy the game with a selected theme.
★ Check last 10 game play details in the History page.
★ Enjoy & Share!
Tik Tok Toe Game in Other Language:
★ French: MorpionGreek: H τρίλιζα [Ι triliza]
★ Czech, Slovak: Piškvorky
★ Hungarian: Amőba [Amoeba]
★ Vietnamese: Cờ Ca-rôChinese: [Jǐng zì], 井字
★ Venezuela: La ViejaSpanish
★ Colombia: TriquiSpanish
★ Perú: Michi
★ Spanish: Equis Cero
★ Icelandic: Mylla (Mill)
★ Latvian: Desas (Sausages)
★ Estonian: Trips Traps Trull
★ Jamaica: Tee Taa Toe
★ Turkish: Cüz
★ Romanian: x şi o
★ Arabic: أكس أو (X O)
★ Serbian: Iks Oks
★ English (Ireland): X's and O's
★ Spanish (Chile, México and Costa Rica): Gato or Elgato (cat)
★ Spanish (Argentina and Uruguay): Ta Te Ti
★ Danish: Kryds og Bolle (Cross and buns)
★ Bangladesh and West Bengal: Kata Kuti
★ Croatian: Križic Kružic (Circle and Cross)
★ Slovenian: Križci in Krožci (Crosses and Circles)
★ Chinese and Taiwan: Jǐngzìhyóusìh, 井字遊戲
★ Vietnam: Croa Zero, Cross Zero, Cờ Ca-rôPunjabi
★ Pakistan: Kaat kar ya Zero Pa
★ Dominican Republic: Equis Cero (XO)
★ Afrikaans: Kruisies En Nulletjies
★ South Africa: Kringetjies en Kruisies
★ Bulgarian: Морски шах (Sea Chess)
★ Marathi (India): Phulli Gola, पूर्णपणे फेरीत
★ English (USA): Tic Tac Toe, Tick Tat Toe,
★ English (UK, Ireland, Australia): Noughts and Crosses, Naughts and Crosses
★ Spanish (Spain, Bolivia and Ecuador): Tres En Raya (Three in a row)
★ Dutch: OXO, Boter Kaas En Eieren (butter cheese and eggs), Kruisje Nulletje (Little Cross Little Zero)
★ Hebrew: איקס עיגול [iks igul] (X Circle), איקס מיקס דריקס [iks miks driks]
★ Russian: крестики-нолики [krestiki-noliki] (little crosses littlle zeros)
★ Portuguese (Portugal): Jogo Do Galo (the rooster game)
★ Portuguese (Brazil): Jogo Da Velha (game of the old lady)
★ German: Drei Gewinnt, XXO, Kreis und Kreuz, Dodelschach
★ German (Austria): Deppenschach (Idiot's chess)
★ Swedish: Luffarschack (hobo - tramp chess), Tripp Trapp Trull
★ Finnish: Risti Nolla (Cross Zero), Jätkän shakki (Workman's chess)
★ Italian: Tris, Tria, Filetto, Crocetta e Pallino, Cerchi e Croci
★ Hindi (India): Zero Kata, Kaat Koot, Katam Kataa, Phool aur Chaukadi, शून्य काटा
★ Japanese: Maru Batsu (circle strike), Sanmoku Narabe
★ Norwegian: Bondesjakk (Farmer's chess), Tripp trapp tresko, Tre på rad (Three in a row)