このTimes Tableについて
Introduction- My name is Riddhi and I am from class five(5). I am ten years old. I have uploaded few apps before this one.
I always had problems in memorising tables and that is when I thought about making this app
This app is used in multiplying numbers.
There will be a box in which you have to write the number you want then you should click on 'GO'. It will give you the tables of the number. To put another number click on 'CLEAR' . The tables will only be till 12 like- 2*12=24. Big numbers like - One thousand(1,000),Two thousand (2,000) and so on , numbers like these , may not come . You can try it yourself.
In tables when you are multiplying it practically means you are doubling ,for example: 3*2=6 wheras 3+3=6.Whenever you do not know any table of some number you can try doubling it .
App usage - This app can be used when you need urgent multiplication and your calculator app is not working and etc.....
HOW I MADE IT ON MIT APP INVENTOR- First I added my components which are as follows-Button-2 , Labels-10,Textbox-1,Text to speech-1,Sound 1 -1
Then I named one button as GO and one as CLEAR
For the labels I reduced them to the size 20 and kept a light colour of it .
Then I started coding for it . I added-WHEN CLEAR click do -call Sound1 vibrate millisecs-100,Set label .text-0
I did the Set label.text 10 times
Then I started a new code- When GO click do - call Sound1 vibrate millisecs-100,call text to speech -CREATING TABLES
Then I set Labet.text.to-Textbox1,Text
And below that I added Set label.text to setting sign textbox.text*2 =10 times
I decorated my starting page like setting button background colour ,screen1 background colour and etc.
At last I rechecked if any mistakes ,and then I scanned my app with my phone to check whether it is working or not.
I am thinking to make another app CALCULATOR..
I have decided what and how the app is going to be .
CALCULATOR - We will be able to do any calculations of addition,subtraction,multiplication or division.It is like a online calculator.
Hope you enjoy