With this app, you can quickly charge your battery and increase battery life. By connecting the battery to a power source, over time, the power of the battery will be lowered, and battery power will be kept low and low. The less your device is plugged in, the longer your battery life will be. With a variety of advanced techniques, this program minimizes your battery charge while charging, which will make your battery charge as quickly as possible. When your battery is charged, the device warns you to charge the battery to consume less battery power. To enable the program, click the activation button after the battery is plugged in and when the battery is full or when the charging is disconnected, the device settings return to the pre-activation status. The 'Enable' green buttons mean that the operation is written at the time the program is activated. For example, if the 'WiFi control' is written in the green word 'active', it means that after the Activating your wifi program checks if it turns out to be off. But if you want your Wi-Fi, for example, not to be cut off when you activate the program, just click 'Enable' to change it to 'Disable'. 'Disable' means that after activating the program, it will not be checked and the rest of the 'Enable' options will be checked. There is also a more advanced setting for the 'Battery Charged Warning'. Next to the active button, this is a black button. By pressing this button, you can make alert settings. By default, the alarm sounds when the battery is full 3 times. You can change this number in this section and even choose a mode that will broadcast the alarm sound when charging the charger. Ensure your device's battery life with this app.