このTV Commercials Triviaについて
TV Commercials Trivia is a quiz game testing your knowledge of famous television commercials. Many questions focus on commercials from the past few years, but some questions are on older commercials as far back as the 1960s. Some of the companies included are: Frosted Flakes, Wendy's, Dr. Pepper, Miller Lite, Pepsi, Coke, Nike, Burger King, Maxwell House, McDonalds, Crest, Wheaties, Geico, E-Trade, Snapple, Rice Krispies, Lucky Charms, Calvin Klein, Maybelline, Exxon, Visa, BMW and many more.
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最新バージョン 20150418-TVCommercialTrivia の更新情報
September 2014: Update for Kitkat.
December 2012: Updated for gingerbread, ice cream sandwich, and jellybean - for compatibility with nearly all Android devices.