このUDOT Walking School Busについて
UDOT’s Walking School Bus app is a forward thinking tool that allows parents to create and plan walks to and from school. UDOT’s Walking School Bus app allows parents to search by elementary school for existing walking groups, create walking groups and invite neighbors to join, plan walks to and from school, assign parent leaders to walk with students, group text within the app, and greatest of all, alerts parents when students have arrived safely at school!
“Walking School Bus” is a universal term used to describe an organized group of children walking to and from school with one or more adults. It’s like a carpool — without the car — and with the added benefits of exercise and the company of friends and neighbors.
Additionally, by automatically calculating the distance of each student’s home to their school, the Walking School Bus app also tracks:
• Total number of miles walked by parents and students statewide.
• Estimated total of calories burned.
• Estimated air pollution savings.
The Walking School Bus app is sponsored by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) SNAP program. The UDOT Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP)™ is a fun and comprehensive program for walking and biking safely to school that engages and educates students, parents, school administrators, crossing guards and communities.