このUniversity Of Mumbaiについて
From 2017 onwards University of Mumbai has extended its automation and e-Governance initiatives to facilitate the Students and other users. In addition to various security features adopted by University of Mumbai on its printed Degree Certificate, it has decided to print an Encrypted QR Code. This QR Code is securely encrypted and can be accessed and used only the Mobile App published by University of Mumbai.
Using this mobile app, the student or any other user of the Degree Certificate (such as employer, bank etc.) can scan the Encrypted QR Code. Mobile app will validate the Encrypted QR Code to ensure that it is indeed issued by University of Mumbai only. Further, University of Mumbai has hosted on its server the corresponding Digital Mark Sheet of the concerned student and the same can be accessed using the Mobile App. The app will securely read the Encrypted QR Code and direct the User to the University of Mumbai online server and fetch the Digital Mark Sheet of the concerned student. The Digital Mark Sheet of the concerned student will be shown to the User on the Mobile phone as a PDF document. This will facilitate students of University of Mumbai with anytime, anywhere access to their Digital Mark Sheet. Users can also view the Digital Mark Sheet to be assured of the credentials.