このUS Pressについて
To bring you the latest news, events, happenings, facts, reviews and much more..
Divided by categories:
► News
► Sports
► Women
► Technology
► Entertainment
► Regional
Read any newspaper from the US! National and regional newspapers.
► The list of publications can be updated online.
► Sorting alphabetically, by number of views or user.
► Show mobile or the regular version of the publication.
► Add / hide / delete the publication.
► Adjustable font size menu.
► Automatically delete the cache.
► View to a conventional Web browser.
► The ability to share the link with others in the article.
Questions and answers :
* How to add a new edition?
From the list of publications to press plus fill in the form and save.
* How to hide the publication?
From the list of publications remove selection the left of the name.
* How to update the list of publications?
From the menu, select "Refresh List".
* How to sort alphabetically?
From the menu, select "General Settings" and note sorting alphabetically.
* How to sort by number of views?
From the menu, select "General Settings" and mark sort by count of views.
* How to reset the display?
From the menu, select "General Settings" and click "Clear Browsing Data"
* How to sort on your own?
From the menu, select "General Settings" and mark the user to sort the list of sites and put your order in the list.
* How to change the font size of the navigation?
From the menu, select "General Settings" and mark the font size.
* How to share the news?
From the menu, select "Share" and choose the mechanism and the recipient.
* How to change a performance version of the publication?
If a site allows it, select the menu item or select "Mobile" or "Normal version".
You can also do it in the "General Settings"
* How to read the publication in a conventional Internet browser?
From the menu, select "General Settings" and deselect "Open the internal browser."