このUzbek Telegram / O'zbek Telegrammasiについて
O'zbekiston uchun o'zbek tilidagi非公式Telegramma
This application is Uzbek/Uzbekistan chat app.
Uzbek Telegrammasi Messenger is focused on speed and security, and is completely free.
Uzbek Telegrammmasi Messenger syncing with your other devices and applications. Unlimited number of messages of text, photos, videos any file type you can send. You can create groups of up to 100,000 people.
Why pass the Uzbek this Messenger:
FAST: Uzbek Telegrammasi Messenger is one of the instant messaging application because of usage of distributed servers.
SAFE: Uzbek Telegrammasi messages are encrypted to protect against hackers.
CLOUD STORAGE: Uzbek Messenger's data will be synchronized between all your devices safely.
Group chat and sharing: You can create groups of up to 100k people by the Uzbek Telegrammasi applications and share files at high size.
FREE: Uzbek Telegrammasi is free and does not require additional fees such as membership fees.
PRIVACY: With Chat you can send secret messages so destroys himself against the side of your message after you set a time can make you see your message deletion from both sides. Confidential Chat messages are sent encrypted and can not be seen by you and others.
Ushbu dastur "Rasmiy telegrammani o'zbekcha / O'zbekiston chat dasturi" dir.
Uzbek Telegrammasi Messenger tez va xavfsizlikka qaratilgan va umuman bepul.
Uzbek Telegrammasi Messenger-ni boshqa qurilmalar va ilovalar bilan sinxronlash. Siz yuborishi mumkin bo'lgan har qanday fayl turini matn, fotosuratlar, videolarning cheklovsiz soni. Siz 100 ming kishiga yaqin guruhlarni yaratishingiz mumkin.
FAST: Uzbek Telegrammasi Messenger - tezkor xabar almashish dasturidir, chunki tarqatilgan server Telegramdan foydalanadi.
XAVFSIZLIK: O'zbek Telegrammasi xabarlari Telegrammma tomonidan hackerlardan himoya qilish uchun shifrlangan.
CLOUD STORAGE: Uzbek Messenger ma'lumoti barcha qurilmalaringiz bilan ishonchli tarzda sinxronlanadi.
Guruh suhbati va almashinuvi: O'zbek Telegrammasi dasturlari orqali 100 kata qadar guruhlarni yaratishingiz va fayllarni yuqori darajada bo'lishishingiz mumkin.
BEPUL: O'zbek telegrammasi bepul va a'zolik badallari kabi qo'shimcha to'lovlarni talab qilmaydi.
GİZLİLİK: Chat bilan siz maxfiy xabarlarni jo'natishingiz mumkin, shuning uchun vaqt belgilaganingizdan keyin sizning xabaringizni o'chirib tashlashingiz mumkin. Maxfiy xabarlar shifrlangan bo'lib, ular siz va boshqalar tomonidan ko'rilmaydi.
Source: https://nofile.io/f/xyAYYjKFu1V/TM.zip