このVideo Player for Youtubeについて
Many equal or similar videos are stored on several platforms at the same time.
Our genuine - Outer Tube - app allows you to search all the videos that are stored on Youtube and, in one click,also you can watch in other platforms, and through our exclusive algorithm allows to relate it and show your percentage of accuracy (SM).
Main features:
- Search and watch millions of videos in our player
- Create and manage videos in user playlist
- Manage your favorites videos in Favorite and History playlist
- Cache mode
- Show and manage your videos on notification panel
- It can play video in background
- Outer Tube video player for Youtube is multilanguage:
NOTE: Outer Tube video player for Youtube does not show any media data from Youtube.It only use Youtube API for our similarity algorithm. Outer Tube video player for Youtube uses free and public API provided for Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc. We are not associated with this platforms. Content displayed is provided by this platform users and stored by this platform. Outer Tube video player for Youtube is a way of managing this media.