Guide travellers with a LIVE guide of everything your travellers need to know, assisted with maps, trails, messaging and live tracking for meet-ups and pick-ups. Create your own LIVE guide app then use messaging and live tracking when LIVE!
Upload your guide
Map your guide
Message your travellers
Pinpoint your travellers
Voyagor is a tool to provide LIVE guiding to travellers. Here are some examples of how Voyagor can be used:
Create your own unique guide on anything from local vintage stores to unusual bike trails. Assist subscribers to your guide LIVE during their journey with messaging and live tracking. Useful for anyone providing travel guiding or local experts with unique knowledge.
Tours can now be richer with uploaded itineraries that include points of interest, tips, trails and even location tracking for safety or coordinating pick-ups. Tour briefings can be supplemented with broadcasts or instant messaging during a trip. Useful for tour companies, bike rental companies and travel guides.
Hotels can set up an instant messaging system connecting guests to all their departments from reception to room service to housekeeping. In minutes and with minimal training as Voyagor uses familiar tools like instant messaging. Also the concierge desk can upload answers that are normally provided verbally or on paper notes.
With Voyagor rental FAQs and local tips can be uploaded once and for all saving time on repeating answers to the same questions. There is a messaging feature to easily conference with guests and members of your team including neighbours, plumbers etc. Also guest arrival can be monitored via the opti-in live tracking tool for guests - far more more convenient than endlessly waiting.
Coordinate customer pick-ups and travel journey updates with Voyagor - Uber style - so you customers know where and when your service is likely to arrive.