WallPanel is an Android application for Web Based Dashboards and Home Automation Platforms such as Home Assistant. Reuse an older mobile phone or tablet to mount your home automation dashboard on your wall.
* Web Based Dashboards and Home Automation Platforms support.
* Camera support for streaming video, motion detection, face detection, and QR Code reading.
* Google Text-to-Speech support to speak notification messages using MQTT or HTTP.
MQTT or HTTP commands to remotely control device and application (url, brightness, wake, etc.).
* Sensor data reporting for the device (temperature, light, pressure, battery).
* Wake device on motion or face detection.
For the complete setup instructions and additional information, please visit the Project Home Page.
Quick Start
Open the settings by clicking the dashboard floating icon. In the settings, set your web page or home automation platform url. Set the code for accessing the settings, the default code is 1234. You will need this code to return to the settings, so remember it!
Please use the Project's Home Page. There is no way to receive support through a Google Play review.
Project's Home Page
Support: [email protected]