このWeather 2018について
Weather 2018 Forecast provides you accurate weather information instantly meteo
Weather, Weather channel, Weather forecast app forecasts weather daily & hourly
Weather forecast app is a weather channel which has accurate weather information.
The real-time weather forecast 2018 provides you with accurate weather information instantly, no matter where you are.
Weather forecast 2018: be careful with the weather in your city, always make sure your life ahead of time to make decisions, to your travel escort.
Weather forecasts 2018 are excellent and easy to update depending on weather conditions.
With a click to activate the location and you receive the weather at your current location.
The weather provides detailed weather forecasts and weather observations for all countries of the world, weather forecasts look up your address automatically, and provides current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, sunrise and sunset times according to the time zone of the city.
The weather forecast also provides current atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different units, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to the ten-day forecast and hourly weather forecasts.
Temperature, humidity, pressure, wind strength and wind direction in real time are all in this weather-based weather application.
The application gives you a very simple user interface, easy to see all the weather information by a touch.
★ Accurate Weather Condition
Timely and accurate overall weather condition: real-time temperature, weather, temperature range, etc.
★ 24 Hours Forecast
Provide 24-hour forecast about temperature and weather.
★ 10 Days Forecast
Provide an overview of the next 10 days' forecast about temperature range and weather.
★ More Information
Sunrise time, sunset time, humidity, precipitation probability, visibility, wind speed, sensible temperature, etc. Forecasts snow, ice, rain, wind,thunderstorms, sun,fog,cloudy and so on.
★ Worldwide Coverage
Covers tens of thousands of cities and towns all over the world.
★ Accurate Location
Automatically locate your position, exact street address or GPS location.
★ Custom Notification
Make you aware of the weather of the place you concern.
★ Weather Widget
40 kinds of beautiful weather widgets for you.
★ Clear UI and intuitive navigation.
► Swipe up and down for more information
► Swipe left and right to switch location
► Add more location with the button on the left top corner
► Change the unit in settings(metric unit/English unit)
+ Weather warning
+ Rain, storm alerts
+ 24/7 hours weather update
+ Thermometer
+ Weather timeline
+ Weather screen wallpaper
+ Use mobile temp sensor
+ Offline 24 hours weather update
+ Free
+ Thunder
+ Sunrise and sunset
Weather 2018 Forecast, your personal weather steward!
Download it for free
& enjoy the amazing weather forecasting.