このWeekend Bible Study- Weeklyについて
Weekly Bible Study lessons .best suited for Adult Sunday school or bible Class
CHRIST makes it clear that being a Christian is not easy. Obedience to GOD, as led by the Holy Spirit, yields rewards. As Christians take steps of faith, they see the hand and power of GOD at work which builds their confidence and trust in GOD. As they grow Spiritually, GOD gives them other steps of faith, which will likely be larger.
Satan is ready to defeat Christians at any split second as he spots a chink in the Christian’s amour. Christians must stay focused upon CHRIST and HIS strength, leadership and power in their lives. They are secure in CHRIST but if Satan can quench the flame of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, doubt can quickly begin to take over.
Salvation from sin and its consequence is a problem no person can solve by themselves.