このWidgit Go Liteについて
Widgit Symbol activities for your tablet to support communication and learning
Symbol activities and grids for your tablet.
The Lite version of Widgit Go comes with 8 example activities.
Communication B
Egyptian Gods
Self Assesment
Shopping List
Story Planner
Date Today
Water Cycle
In the Lite version, you cannot edit or create new activities.
The Full Version:
Widgit Go is an app for creating activities and grids to support communication, learning and language development. Use it in the home, in the classroom or on the go.
Widgit Go can be used as a voice output device or to write simple documents with symbols and text from Grids. 12 examples activities are included.
With Widgit Go Full Version you can create and edit activities with access to the complete Widgit Symbol Set containing 11,000 symbols.
No Internet connection is required either for creating or using activities.