1. It provides the feature of getting Alert messages, Promotional messages to the user.
2. It has the feature of instant messaging, that uses the internet for communication.
3. User can create his profile and upload his pic as profile pic which is visible to other users.
4. User can also update his profile (City, Status).
5. User can communicate with other user firstly by sending request and when it is successfully accepted by other user, they can communicate with each other.
6. It uses the same internet plan that user uses for email and web browsing there is no cost to message and stay in touch with other users.
7. It has an option to search friends by name and all the active users with that name are visible in list form.
8. User can click on any one of them and send him a request to become his friend.
9. User can view all the recieved requests and pending requests.
10. It automatically takes a backup of all the converstion of each day.
11. If user wants to view old conversation he can view on single click of button.
12. It has an option to view all the Alert messages, Promotional messages and Admin messages on a single click.
13. It also provides the feature to block the Friend.
14. If user doesn't wants any alerts or promotional messages then he can block particular vender.
15. User can view all the blocked friends and blocked venders list and can unblock them in future.
16. User can forward same message to multiple users.
17. It also shows the friend's online status and his lastseen time.
18. It has a feature to refresh each screen to get the recent updates.
19. To get the Alert and Promotional messages user can buy recharge packs from this
20. All the recharge packs with full details are available and user can choose any one of them.
21. It also provides the user's account information with details like:
a) Recharge pack name.
b) How many messages he gained?
c) How many messages are left?
d) Date when last time he rechared his account?
Future Possibilities:
The new version of XSCN will boasts several new features like:
1. User can send much more than just text like pictures,audio and video files.
2. Will able to view other users profiles.
3. Will able to view his friends current location on Map.
4. Will able to make call and video chat with high quality.