このXtream Codes Adminについて
Admin App for Xtream Codes panel that allows you to perform the basic functions via the mobile devices which includes:
1. Listing registered user ( Resellers or super resellers)
2. Add / Remove credits to Resellers ( users)
3. Restart Streams ( Offline, Online )
4. Set Notifications if x number of streams goes offline
5. Easy to use and based on Xtream Codes API
- You just need to add your Public IP in your Xtream Codes Panel ( General Settings -> Allowed IPs )
Important Notation: It is just a demo Application to take a look at how it works.
We don't recommend you to use it for production. As we are offering a PAID Version with hard-coding your Panel URL so, you don't need to add your IP into the whitelist again and again.