このYes or No Dating Appについて
Yes or No is a dating app that helps you meet new people nearby that want to chat and date.
*Login with your Facebook account
*Anonymously say "Yes" or "No" to people who are close to you.
*If you both say "Yes", you'll get a chance to chat.
*Nothing is posted to Facebook without your permission.
New: Premium features:
=Try out Premium for 7 days for Free=
-Chat with anyone!
-Turn off the in-app advertising.
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You must be 18 years of age or older to use Yes or No Dating App.
Please review our online dating safety advice at https://greenrobot.com/dating/safety. An online love interest who asks for money is almost certainly a scam artist. If in doubt, block and report suspicious users.
By using or accessing GreenRobot Services, you agree that you have reviewed our Terms of Service at https://greenrobot.com/terms and privacy policy at https://greenrobot.com/privacy and consent to be bound by them.