180 Degrees 정보
180˚ 응용 프로그램은 당신의 이야기를 할 수있는 혁신적이고 사용하기 쉬운 도구를 제공합니다!
In 180 degrees you can turn your life around. In 180 seconds you can now share your story. The 180˚ app provides an innovative and easy to use tool to achieve this. Whether you want to reveal your whole story or just a part of it, this app makes it easy for your friends and the world to hear and see what you have to say.
Research suggests that people are captivated by a narrative for the first 180 seconds. The 180˚ app allows you to share yourself in 180 seconds. In this app you have x3 60 second segments to record your story. As each person’s experience is unique, each segment can be anywhere up to 60 seconds in length. Once you have finished each portion, the recording is stitched together by the app and collated into one video which you can share with friends, upload or post on social media.
Why have x3 segments? Stories are most impacting when you share (1) what your life was like before (2) what happened to you (3) how your life is now. Whether you are sharing your whole story or just a part of it, communicating in these x3 simple segments is powerful.