Akasha Tribe Sober Network 정보
업데이트를 공유하고, 다른 사람을 지원하고, 회복하는 동안 연결 상태를 유지하세요.
Share updates, ask questions, support others, and stay connected with others throughout your recovery. This community is a tool to help you in recovery and receive support when you need it the most.
Connect with:
* Peers and coaches to share updates, ask questions, and offer support.
* Your recovery program to receive inspirations, updates for onsite events, and ways to be involved.
Key Features:
* Real-time posts: This private group allows you to stay connected to fellow alumni in real-time.
* Daily inspirations help to center your thoughts and actions.
* Recovery Content: Explore videos, podcasts, and articles to help you as progress in your recovery.
* Discussions are a way for you to share your voice and inspire others on recovery topics.
* Join virtual events directly from the app
* Privacy: You control what information you share. For clients of Akasha Tribe Sober Network, you will be added to a private group consisting of peers.