Al Jannat City 정보
파키스탄의 성장하는 전문 마케팅 관심사 중 하나로 부상
Emerging as one of the fastest growing professional marketing concerns of Pakistan. Al Jannat city . is now considered as the true market leader of innovative real estate marketing with a nationside network of offices and vastly experienced and qualified team of successful marketing. Al Jannat city housing society. has developed a highly sound reputation and an outstanding track record of success.
You will certainly agree that an ideal residence is one with standard planning boundry wall society like wide roads, open climates, clean atmosphere, school , hospital , mosque , security system camera system generator sence of security proper arrangements of education, transport facility, commercial center, park, cricket play ground vast playing ground, public library.
We are located at orangi link road (A Gov. Project) and 10 minutes drive from naya nazimabad . That's why the value of the Al Jannat city housing society has increased. The orangi Road. (near northern by pass road ) manghopir road through ijtimah gah Road, (karachi)