Alert Nurses ISL 정보
간호사와 의사 소통하고 지리적 위치 기술을 사용하여 신속하게 도움을받습니다.
Alert Nurses ISL is an alert application and security system, which enables responders (i.e. campus security, nurses, and Residence Assistants) to geo-locate primary users (i.e. students) inside buildings and coordinate a response whenever a Alert Nurses ISL user needs help.
Primary users can:
- Send a ‘feeling unwell’ alert
- Send an ‘emergency’ alert
- See which responders are online and ready to help
- Chat to online responders about their situation
Responders can:
- Chat with a primary user once an alert is triggered
- Coordinate a response with other online responders
- See the exact geolocation of a primary user in need of help
- Keep a record of all primary users, their conditions, and past conversations