Allied School - Al-Moiz Campus 정보
Allied School - Al-Moiz Campus "School Management System"
Allied School
Al-Moiz Campus Lahore.
Parents will update regarding
1. Student Information - for all the information related to student like student search, profile, student history
2. Fees Collection - for all the details related to student fees collection, creation, fees dues, fees reports
3. Attendance - daily student attendance report
4. Examinations - all the exams conducted by school like schedule exam and exam marks
5. Academics - like classes, sections, subjects, assign teachers and class timetable
6. Communicate - it works like a notice board basically a messaging system for communication to students, parents and teachers
7. Download Center - for managing downloadable documents like assignments, study material, syllabus and other documents need to distribute students and teachers
8. Homework - teachers can give homework here and further evaluate them
9. Library - all the books in your library can be manage here
10. Transport - for managing transportation service like routes and their fares