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Absolute is a savory and spicy Indonesian food made from wet crackers cooked with vegetables and protein sources such as eggs, chicken, marine or processed beef, cooked with certain spices. Absolute comes from bandung.Seblak including culinary favorite in the 90's. This food was originally known in Bandung, West Java. Once widely known in Bandung, Seblak then spread to other cities in West Java such as Bogor, Cianjur and Depok as a delicious and appealing snack.
Absolute is actually a simple dish.Seblak generally made of crackers seblak which is usually a type of orange aci crackers or white shrimp crackers. After that pan-fried with spicy also various toppings that make a favorite as a favorite snack especially eaten hot when cold air.Seblak until now still much preferred and so hunted the lovers of Indonesian culinary. Unfortunately the seller is not easy to find. But no need to worry, because you can make it yourself at home. That way you can make it according to your own taste.
Certainly by following the original recipe of bandung bandung. A typical Bandung has a very soft texture and chewy. Moreover, a wet that usually uses ingredients such as meatballs, sausages and chicken claws that will add kelezatannya.Variasi simple snack with a spice flavor typical spicy, we can choose the creation of how to make a whole Bandung this one. Serving a delicious and spicy seuhah (Sundanese term) is a special culinary menu from Bandung, which is included in various snacks popular food for the Sundanese of West Java.
Wet is a variant other than crackers seblak dry, there is even a soup of sauce. Although it is currently in stalls seller sellak, has found a lot of creations on the variety of ingredients and spices seblak, how to make a fresh wet original of the cracker material remains a favorite meal because tasty and chewy-chewy chewy in the mouth. For Bandung people may be familiar with the picture seblak below. As for those interested to try and taste it, please refer to the recipe to make a wet of crackers that are currently widely known. Types of crackers commonly used are crackers known as sari or aci crackers (kanji / tapioca). Various kinds of crackers are often used for complementary dishes chicken porridge, lotek, fried rice and various other snacks can be red, orange, yellow, white, striped and so on. Crackers for the whole is still raw or not fried then cooked with the spice seblak or boiled first separately or can also be soaked hot water just for a cracker that does not want too soft.
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