Aviation Airframe Mechanic 정보
항공 정비사 기체 실기 시험 기준 FAA-S-8081-27, 항공기
Aviation Mechanic Airframe Practical Test Standards FAA-S-8081-27 with changes 1, 2, & 3: The Flight Standards Service of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has developed this practical test book as a standard to be used by FAA inspectors and Designated Mechanic Examiners (DMEs) when conducting aviation mechanic practical tests. Applicants are expected to use this book when preparing for practical testing. This test book contains the following Aviation Mechanic Airframe Practical Test Standards. Airframe Structures and Airframe Systems and Components
Practical Test Standard Description: The Aviation Mechanic Airframe Practical Test Standards include the subject areas of knowledge and skill for the issuance of an aviation mechanic certificate and/or the addition of a rating. The subject areas are the topics in which aviation