AZ DocScanner : हिन्दी English 정보
앱은 휴대전화에서 모든 종류의 문서를 스캔하고 PDF로 변환합니다.
AZ Doc Scanner विभिन्न प्रकार के दस्तावेज़ों को स्कैन करने के लिए एक बहुत ही उपयोगी उपकरण है। यह एक पीडीएफ स्कैनर ऐप है जो आपके फोन को एक आसान स्कैनर में बदल सकता है। कैम स्कैन ऐप आपको फोटो, दस्तावेज, रसीदें और बिजनेस कार्ड स्कैन करने की अनुमति देगा।
AZ Cam Scanner is an app that turns your phone into an easy scanner. It can be used to scan different kinds of documents, such as photos, documents, receipts, and Business cards.
It is very difficult to scan documents with your smartphone. A good doc scanner app is a must-have tool on their mobile phones for school students, college students, business people, and every Smart Phone user.
The camera scanner mobile app allows you to scan your images and documents in high quality, making it easier for the reader to read the texts. The AZ PDFscanner app has many auto-correcting functions, such as increasing the brightness and filtering the image for a better and higher quality output. Other important features of the AZ Cam scanner include scanning important documents &papers.
The "Magic color" feature allows you to improve scan quality and automatically crop the scanned image.
PDF files that are brighter and have better contrast settings.
Converts your scans of documents into bright and clear PDFs.
PDF/JPG files can be quickly shared.
To add a watermark to all your documents, use your own watermark.
Store your documents in a high-quality manner.
You can sign an unlimited number of documents electronically.
QR code Reader
QR code Generator
Documents of various types can be scanned and managed using the software.
Whiteboard, Memo, Script, Letter
Bill, Invoice, Contract, Tax Roll, Business Card
Note, PPT, Book, and Article
Credential, Certificate, Ident, and Credit Document, Painting