Back Alley Tales

Back Alley Tales

Dec 28, 2022
  • 7.9

    136 리뷰

  • 119.1 MB

    파일 크기

  • Android 4.1+

    Android OS

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Back Alley Tales 정보

Track down girls into 12 amazing locations, solve all mysteries of crime scenes and practice to be an expert.

The crimes, the help, and the terrifying racial things happening in different dark parts of the world in the Back Alley Tales are not well known and unveiled in the eye of the camera as well as to the justice system. But think of a game that you play and you get the scenes of the crime place and what happens there behind the veils and that secret, in some ways, comes to you. What will you do and what approaches you will have? The problems of the corner darks are some based on gender discrimination, race, religion and so on which you came to know with some secret ways.

The Back Alley Tales is a game where you are a guard who works as a security camera guard and looks for what is happening in the certain cameras that you have so you go on and pass the day doing the job. But all of sudden, Back Alley Tales seems boring for you to look for the previously recorded camera shots that are terrifying and killing. What happens next is a curiosity and suspense thing that we will discuss later.

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  • Back Alley Tales 스크린샷 1
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