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baitommy 정보
Bait Ommy intends to serve Arab/Kuwaiti “traditional foods”
Bait Ommy intends to serve Arab/Kuwaiti “traditional foods”, such as mutton, chicken, fish/seafood “Majbous” and “Biryani”. It was founded originally late this year 2015 in the heart of Kuwait City by a young Kuwaiti Entrepreneur and a food lover expert who loves to make a twist on each viand to make it more special.
Bait Ommy serves the tastiest and flavorful Kuwaiti Cuisine because of the special spices that are Master Chef put on it. We always make sure to satisfy the sophisticated native palate, savoury dishes must be spiced and the blending of spices is a highly-sophisticated local art form in Kuwait food Industry.
Bait Ommy also serves Salads, Appetizer, Main Course, and Sweets/Dessert that everyone would love and enjoy to eat.