Balancing Clown Game 정보
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Clowns have always been an integral part of the circus, offering a source of amusement and juggling is a physical skill, performed by a juggler, involving the manipulation of objects for recreation, entertainment, art or sport.
This game provides a way to enjoy the circus with a few simple clicks to control the balancing ball and the juggling clubs.
Let's keep the clown stay above the balancing ball and juggle.
The number of juggling clubs will increase during the time and your task is to keep them above the red line by tapping to the intersections of the clubs and the red line.
The more precise you tap, the higher points you get.
Score as high as you can and do not forget to claim your name which would be shown in the ranks with your incredible score.
How to Play
● Tap to the lower side of the screen to keep to clown not fall
● Tap to the right handside to lift the board from the right (counter clockwise)
● Tap to the left handside to lift the board from the left (clockwise)
● Tap the intersection between the clubs and the red line to keep the clubs flying
● The more precise you tap, the higher points you get.