Beads Music Animation for VR 정보
비즈는 바로크 음악의 기하학적 특성에 집중합니다.
The Beads app depicts the geometric forms of Native American beadwork in motion as they originally adorned moving objects like clothing, cradles, tools, and ceremonial objects because these characteristic geometric designs usually bore some relation to article's attributes rather than in the static context of museum specimens. The geometric figures, originally based on porcupine quillwork, employed not more than seven colors and white was the most commonly color used for backgrounds signifying snow in winter, when most of the beadwork was accomplished. The limited number of angular design elements tended to form in space of the narrow belts in a style similar to a drumbeat and ornamentation of the Italian Concerto, often regarded as a perfect model of a well designed solo concerto.
Playing Time: 3:16 at 45 quarters per minute
Soundtrack: J. S. Bach's Italian Concerto in F
Catalogue Number: BWV 971
The Music Animations for Head Tracking series of apps provide a relaxing form of interactivity where one only needs to look around. Each of the apps provide numerous viewing paths and are designed to run offline so they will give high replay value. These apps provide a view of music that should give one a deeper sense of the structure inherent to baroque music. Many of these animations were created back in the days of wire-frame graphics so they have been tested over the decades against a variety of head-trackers and head-mounted displays. Music catalogue numbers and timing info have been provided here for musicians that may enjoy playing along while immersed-in the geometric animation of the music. Please put your device in Airplane Mode before running this app. This app does not have provisions for use of the controller while running so it is not listed with other Daydream apps.