BODMASTER - Maths Quiz 정보
수학은 재미입니다! 이 간단한 문제를 해결하고 감사 인증서를 승리!
Play this quiz and get an appreciation certificate at the end.
This is my first app I have developed. Its simple and easy. We all would have learnt mathematics in our primary school. One of the basic concepts of maths is BODMAS- Brackets, Orders, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. And most of us including me make mistakes without knowing it. So, this app consists of 5 simple problems which clears all your doubts relating to BODMAS and at the end you become a BODMASTER!!! Try this app and enjoy!!!
These four rules give you BODMAS: Brackets, Orders (powers and roots), Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. When all your operations are the same level (for example, all division or multiplication), simply work from left to right
This app does not need any specific access.
Less memory and faster download.