Booster - WoW Classic (LFG) 정보
던전, 레이드, 퀘스트, 레벨링 및 PvP에서 당신을 도울 선수를 찾으십시오.
The best app for finding players in WoW Classic!
If you're tired of spamming trade chat to find people then this is the app for you.
Find Tank and Healers for specific dungeons and raids.
Find people that can boost your leveling.
Find some poor souls to group up with and slay Hogger!
Even better, you can become a booster and receive payments for assisting other players with your skills. For example by helping a player level from 1-20 within 8 hours, or helping out with some quests. Who knows, maybe you can make a living playing WoW Classic.
The app has features like:
* Chat - chat with other players.
* Inbox - see all your conversations
Search for characters:
* Dungeon & Raid
* Leveling help
* Quest help
* PvP
* Professions
Filter characters by level range.
Search for specific characters on a server.
Receive payments to your account.
Pay a character with PayPal for helping you.
Create 3 characters by subscribing to Booster.