Calculator 정보
간단한 디자인, 백분율 기능 및 스마트 메모리 키가있는 무료 계산기입니다.
A free calculator with simple design, percentage features and smart memory keys.
You definitely should try it!
Calculator which has only fully useful features allows you to use it as efficiently as possible. A simple, beautiful design will also help you.
Calculator has such a critical function as taking a percentage. It is required for calculating many different things (e.g. tax, net worth, tips etc).
No more any weird buttons like: MR, MC, M+, M-. This calculator offers you to keep necessary values in memory using special slots on the top of the screen. Just press on one of them to save current result of expression into memory, and then press on it once more to paste it into expression. Also, you can use a long press to rewrite the value of slot.