Civil Aircraft 정보
같은 콩코드, 보잉 737 및 747와 같은 가장 중요한 항공기 (300)
300 of the most important aircraft such as the Concorde, Boeing 737 and 747 in civilian service available in one app.
These range from the earliest pioneers to the massive passenger jets of the modern age, representing the diversity of aircraft in use throughout the world for tourism and commerce. These include famous passenger planes such as the Concorde, Boeing 737 and 747, as well as the Learjet, Tiger Moth and Jetstream.
Each aircraft featured is illustrated by a full-colour side-profile artwork, and accompanied by a detailed specifications table. All measurements are given in imperial and metric measures. In addition there is accompanying text for each aircraft that summarizes their development and service history.
• 300 civil aircrafts, each one illustrated by a full-colour artwork
• Full dimensions, weights, performance and armaments provided for each aircraft, all measurements in imperial and metric
• Each aircraft’s development history and career described in full
• Quick search functions
• Favorites section
• All data stored offline on your device.
Robert Jackson is a former pilot and navigation instructor. As a writer in military, naval and aviation affairs, he has more than 80 books to his name, including Suez: the Forgotten Invasion, The Royal Navy in World War II and Strike From the Sea: A History of British Naval Air Power.