ClientNote - Customer's App for TailorNote 정보
ClientNote는 패션 디자이너 고객이 작업 주문을 모니터링할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
With ClientNote, Customers of fashion designers can:
1. Monitor the progress of their Job Orders with their Fashion Designers
2. Save Job Orders
3. Save and view their Fashion Designers
4. Know the amount they owed to their Fashion Designers
5. Know amount Charged and amount Paid for a Job
6. Get to see the date of collection for a particular job
7. View other fashion designers closer to them who are on TailorNote
and a lot more
To effectively use ClientNote, your Fashion Designer must install TailorNote and have all measurements entered on Tailornote.
After a fashion designer has successfully saved customers measurement on TailorNote, an SMS containing the SHOP ID and ORDER ID is sent to the customer which the customer input into ClientNote.
It's simple,secure and more flexible