Clovermon Hunter RPG 정보
Help the knight Christine find the Elven ring of Clovermon.
The Elven ring of Clovermon has been stolen by the villainous Shogun, which has cast the entire Elven Kingdom into darkness. The only hope for the Elves is that the strong warrior Christine, equipped with only a bow, can travel throughout the Kingdom, and retrieve the ring.
*** Clovermon Hunter RPG *** Gameplay:
The game is played from a top-down perspective pitting the player against a multitude of various enemies. Different, however, is that the game is played out in a very linear fashion, as the player will progress through a total of 125 stages. Each stage starts with the player in control of the hero Christine, and you must progress by killing a certain number of enemies to gain access to a hidden key. Once the key for the stage is obtained the player must travel through the stage in search of the exit. There are 32 different stages, after which, the game loops over, each time progressing in difficulty. It is not an endless loop, as the game is completed after the player successfully finishes the 125th stage.
At random enemies will leave behind item pouches when they are killed. The items obtained through these pouches are also random. Players can collect several upgrades to their bow and arrows, which increase shot distance, and damaging strength respectively. Players may also find other beneficial items such as armor and health potions.
*** Clovermon Hunter RPG *** Features:
- Pixel RPG fantasy game style.
- Easy control, move and shoot toxic raptors, burning pumpkins, screaming penguins and various other monstrosities.
- Over 250 levels.
- Funny midi sound and music.
Have fun !