cMate-HSC High-Speed Craft 정보
HSC 2000 코드 - 고속 공예 안전에 관한 국제 안전 규정
HSC 2000 Code - International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft. Resolution MSC.97(73)
HSC Code - International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft, 1994 – Resolution MSC.36(63)
This Code shall be applied as a complete set of comprehensive requirements. It contains requirements for the design and construction of high-speed craft engaged on international voyages, the equipment which shall be provided and the conditions for their operation and maintenance. The basic aim of the Code is to set levels of safety which are equivalent to those of conventional ships required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, (SOLAS Convention) and the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, (Load Line Convention) by the application of constructional and equipment standards in conjunction with strict operational controls
language: English