Colorful Wallpapers 정보
Color is the nature of the corresponding visual perception in humans with a category called Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green, etc. The spectrum of colors in technical, is the visible color from Red to purple that form white light. They are also the reason why the rainbow is so interesting. When they are properly applied to the Tablet, it also gives a pleasant look.
This excellent collection of "Colorful Wallpapers" designed specifically for you, amazing Home Screen and Backgrounds to set the picture as wallpaper on your phone with good quality. Set as wallpaper on your android device. This is a perfect and very easy to use wallpaper app that has a collection of the latest and most updated color images.
This wallpaper app is very easy to use with beautiful & intuitive graphics. You can even share this wallpaper with your friends and family members. You even have a feature to mark your wallpaper as a favorite whenever you want. You can even choose or browse through this wallpaper using the Slideshow feature.
For those of you who love the "Colorful Wallpapers" collection, you must have this app because of the more than 100 images you can enjoy in this app.
☀☀ Application Features ☀☀
✔ Offline Mode and Small Size Application
✔ Fast Loading
✔ HD Best Quality
✔ Easy to use
✔ Optimized battery usage
✔ Free apps
✔ You can Share to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flickr, Stumble, Instagram ... with your friends
We keep updating our wallpaper database so you will always see the most popular "Colorful Wallpapers" collection. Do not forget to leave a comment and star in your play store, hopefully useful. We hope you like and enjoy this app, always check out the latest updates from us. Thank you for downloading this app.
:: DENIAL ::::
All images used in this app are believed to be in the public domain. If you have rights to any image, and do not expect to be here, contact us and will be removed in the next version of the app.