Dave's Secret 정보
Dave는 마피아를 막기 위해 비밀 CIA 요원이되도록 훈련합니다!
Dave's Secret
This app has been written, voiced, illustrated and developed by rangatahi (young people/younger generation) in Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the Taku Korero initiative by Creative Northland.
This app was developed at a storytelling workshop dedicated to supporting the self-expression of young people.
The development used the dynamics of whanaungatanga to provide a practical understanding of Māori concepts that when applied in our lives, can help enhance, restore and maintain our greatest asset, relationships.
• Swipe-to-read
• Read-to-me
• Read-it-myself
• Interactive, customisable pepeha (introduction)
Customise your app:
• Record yourself reading the story
• Customise your personal introduction
• Add images to your personal introduction
• Export Introduction and share
Other interactive features:
• Animation
• Sound FX
• A child-friendly user interface
• Background Music that can be turned on/off
• Māori language, Te Reo Māori
This app contains audio narration in two languages: Māori and English
Kiwa digital is a world leading production house for multi-lingual enhanced apps, bringing native languages to the internet.