Prayer Apps
For multitude of audio prayers use: and for text prayers with option to add your own:

Learn Rosary
Prayer Apps

악으로부터의 구원 기도
Prayer Apps

Rosary audio English
Prayer Apps

Chaplet of Divine mercy audio
Prayer Apps

Rosaire français traditionnel
Prayer Apps

Saint Bridget miracle prayers
Prayer Apps

Rosario Italiano
Prayer Apps

Prayerbook common +own prayers
Prayer Apps

Молитвы православные аудио
Prayer Apps

Christian prayers audio
Prayer Apps

Rosary and prayers audio
Prayer Apps

Biblia slovensky
Prayer Apps

Rosenkranz Deutsch Audio
Prayer Apps

Litany of the Holy Spirit
Prayer Apps

Różaniec polski audio
Prayer Apps

The Bible Offline Multilingual
Prayer Apps

기억력 게임
Prayer Apps

Stations of the Cross audio
Prayer Apps

Чётки Иисусова молитва
Prayer Apps

Ruženec audio slovensky
Prayer Apps

Rosario Español Audio
Prayer Apps

Rosário áudio português
Prayer Apps

Books of Wisdom
Prayer Apps

성령 앱
Prayer Apps