DIY Neat Beard Neckline 정보
Best Application That Provide 300+ Inspiring DIY Neat Beard Neckline
Give your beard a border! You can usually get away with not maintaining your beard neckline when you’re just sporting stubble. But once it goes beyond 3mm and starts turning into a short beard, you need to reach for your trimmer. in this application will shares you step by step to make neckline beard and you can do it by yourself at home.
1. Know where to stop
Look straight in the mirror, holding your head upright. Any hairs below an imaginary line running below your chin definitely have to go. Now.
2. Define the line
Tilt your head back a bit and place one finger of your other hand just at the top of your Adam’s apple. This spot marks a natural dividing line between your beard and your neck.
3.Take your cue from the center
Place your trimmer at this spot and trim down. Continue on one side, working outwards from the middle, ensuring you stay under the jawline. Return to the middle, and work outwards on the other side. Don’t make your beard neckline too round a slight upcurve is best.
4. Stay square or go round
Define the corners of your beard by trimming a vertical line below your ear lobes to connect with the horizontal line below your chin. You can leave this as a chiselled, angular corner (very macho) or gently round it off to make less of a statement.
5. The finishing touch
Like it? If you’re happy with your trim, follow through with your shaver to make your beard neckline something your collar will feel proud to be seen with. The laser guide is also an easy way to create perfect cheeklines, so what are you waiting for?
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Download this application now and get what you want here. worth to try and you will like it.
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